
Horacio Cartes agita el fantasma de Stroessner [PARAGUAY, JacobinLat]

Paraguay's "Boss," Horacio Cartes, Stirs Up a Dictator's Ghost [PARAGUAY, Jacobin]

Bort med källkritik och källor, in med killgissningar och trolleri – eller? [VENEZUELA]

"No Turning Back" – The "Carnation Revolution" divides Portugal again, 50 years on [PORTUGAL, Al Jazeera]

Some Portuguese Still Haven't Accepted the Revolution [PORTUGAL, Jacobin]

The Birth of a "Lost Generation" [WEST PAPUA, The Diplomat]

Wie Austerität und Nostalgie der portugiesischen Rechten in die Karten [PORTUGAL, Jacobin] 

I portoghesi che non hanno mai accettato la rivoluzione [PORTUGAL, Jacobin]

De som sparkar nedåt och sparkar ihjäl [ARGENTINA, Parabol]

Henry Kissinger and the Murder of Timor-Leste [TIMOR-LESTE, The Diplomat]

Duvan, dungen och döden [SVERIGE]

Rugby in Argentina: Structural Violence and Healing Tears [ARGENTINA] 

Nebraskas första uranänka: Hur är det att leva granne med en urangruva? [BOKUTDRAG: Urangruvan på prärien]

Killing Spree in the Highlands [WEST PAPUA]


Cem anos de Pandemias [BRASIL]


Tajikistan’s Pamirs: A Perfect Political Storm on the Roof of the World [TAJIKISTAN, The Diplomat]


Landlocked: Paraguay’s Tripled Obstacles [PARAGUAY, Inverse]


Paraguay: La Elección Ignorada/Paraguay: The Ignored Election [PARAGUAY, E’a]


Cultivar la Esperanza [COLOMBIA, Solo Magazine]


The Casualties of Mongolia’s Doomed Love Affair with Coal [MONGOLIA, Al Jazeera]


Tajikistan: The Climate Crisis at the Roof of the World [TAJIKISTAN, Inverse]


Argentina’s World Cup 1978: When FIFA Backed a Junta [ARGENTINA, Jacobin]


The Road to Freedom Lies Ahead [WEST PAPUA, New Internationalist]


The Dragon and the Bear on the Roof of the World [TAJIKISTAN, New Internationalist]


A Country Born on an Empty Stomach: War and Hunger in Timor-Leste [TIMOR-LESTE, Southeast Asia Globe]




The Man in “Hut No.53” [THE AMAZON]


A Cancer at the Heart of the U.N.: Indonesia’s Escalating West Papua Conflict [WEST PAPUA, Southeast Asia Globe]


Indonesia’s Dayaks Grapple with Covid-19, Deforestation and Development [INDONESIA, Southeast Asia Globe]


Toqi [TAJIKISTAN, Hemslöjd]


Curuguaty: Massakern som dödade en dröm [PARAGUAY, Arbetet Global]

Scener från klimatkrisens frontlinje [PARAGUAY, OmVärlden]


The Changing Face of Angolan Tourism (ANGOLA, The Guardian]


Who Owns Angola’s Land? [ANGOLA, The Guardian]


Mannen i “Hydda Nr.53” [AMAZONAS]


Blodsfläckade pensionsintäckter [VÄSTPAPUA]


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